From Guest Blogger Amy Morin: Putting Some Heat in the Green Movement

Lots of businesses and individuals are trying to do their part to go green, including local fire departments.

There are many steps fire departments can take to become environmentally friendly, including:

Reasons for Going Green

The major advantage of going green is that it’s good for the environment. But, it can also be good for the budget. This can be especially important to fire departments who are facing budget cuts.

Many environmentally friendly changes can help reduce a fire department’s operating costs.

Sometimes major renovations and new construction can save large amounts of money over the long-term, while small changes can certainly make a difference in the short-term. Even fire departments with very limited budgets can begin making changes to go green to help them save money.

When fire departments go green, it can help motivate the community to follow suit. Setting a good example can show taxpayers that the fire department wants to improve the community in many ways, in addition to fighting fires.

Paperless Office

Converting as many documents and reports to electronic versions can be a great way for any fire department to save on paper.

Emails can often replace documents that were previously mailed or faxed. It can save most fire departments hundreds of dollars in paper, printing, and photo copier expenses each year.

Energy Efficient Lighting

Switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs can be a simple, yet inexpensive change for many fire departments. It can greatly reduce energy costs while also reducing the department’s carbon footprint.

Installing motion sensor controlled lights is another way for fire departments to make sure lights are being left on when no one is in the room.

Heating and Cooling Efficiency

Proper insulation of the fire department’s building can help reduce a lot of waste. An energy audit can identify any improperly insulated walls or windows. Adding insulation to these areas can be a great investment.

Programmable thermostats can be another great way cost-saving measure that will greatly reduce wasted heat. Keeping the building a few degrees cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer can be an easy step for fire departments to take.

Water Conservation

Most fire departments use a lot of water.

Installing low-flow showerheads and faucets can greatly reduce the fire department’s water consumption.

Rainwater Collection

Some fire departments have started to collect rainwater, either in a drum or other piece of recycled equipment. The water won’t be used to fight fires, but can be used to test equipment, such as pumps.

This can reduce runoff and give fire departments a chance to conserve water that is taken from other water sources.

Green Construction

Fire departments with larger budgets may benefit from creating a green building. Creating a green building can make a big difference on the fire department’s consumption of water and electricity while greatly decreasing their waste.

Green buildings are often constructed from recycled materials. They also use the environment’s natural resources, such as natural light, in a way that will enhance the occupant’s experience. A green building can be a great way to save money over the long-term.

Fire departments have an excellent opportunity to make a huge difference in the environment.

As a result, fire departments can look into what options are best for their department when it comes to making environmentally friendly changes.

About the Author: Amy Morin writes about parenting, psychology and business-related topics such as payroll services for small business — especially those in environmental services and renewable energy.  

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