Is Renewable Really Doable – A Review

As an author, I’m always happy to receive good reviews of my books.  Having said that, I’m not too sure what to make of this review of “Is Renewable Really Doable?” (2012), as it’s in Spanish.  I’m reminded of the time I told a dozen different parties (poor people to whom my daughter and I were delivering groceries for Thanksgiving) “I have two bags of groceries and a turkey for you,” which I expressed to the Hispanic families as, “Tengo dos bolsas de comita y un polvo,” only to be told by the last group that I was saying “I have two bags of food and some dust.” Of course, this did explain the somewhat quizzical look on all those people’s faces.

Perhaps someone with a greater facility with the language can tell me if this is generally positive — or if the reviewer thought my book was una pavo (a turkey).

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