From U.K. Guest Blogger Mark Enright: Home Insulation – Is It Worth It?

Insulating your home is one of the most effective steps you can take towards becoming more energy efficient. With energy prices on the rise, it is time to take steps to prevent heat literally leaving through your walls and ceilings.

Cavity insulation is cheap and will pay for itself in less than two years through the savings you will make on your heating bills. With more than 50% of homes in the United Kingdom inadequately insulated, it may be time to get your home assessed.

Insulating your home provides many benefits:

– The major difference you will notice after you have your home insulated is that it is noticeably warmer, making it more comfortable to live in. Don’t start thinking that insulation means that you will be too hot in summer. Modern insulation materials keep the heat out in summer and keep the heat inside in winter. A more temperate home can be beneficial to your family’s health.

– The second difference you will see is in your wallet. Less heat escaping from your home means that you can run your heating less, and still keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

Running your heating less means decreased strain on your heating system. Boilers will last longer, saving you further money.

-Having a well insulated home means that your home has a higher market value. A well insulated home will sell for more, as the potential buyer will see it as a job they won’t have to pay to do later on.

-Using less energy reduces your carbon footprint. Adequate insulation can save up to a tonne per year in carbon emissions. This is great news for the environment, as your fuel consumption will be lower. Lower fuel consumption means less harmful air pollutants are released from less fossil fuels being burned, helping to lessen global warming.

These benefits sound great, but what sort of insulation should you get? The answer to this question depends on your budget and type of home you have.

The majority of heat (55%) is lost through the roof and walls, so starting off with loft and cavity wall insulation is a good idea. The cost of these is reasonable, but considering that they pay for themselves within two years, they are a sound investment.

The next largest amount of heat is lost through doors and windows. Properly sealed doors stop a great deal of heat escaping. Draft excluders are a cheap, yet effective, way of stopping heat loss.

Double glazing is a must, massively reducing heat transfer through your windows.

Home insulation is a relatively cheap and easy way to save yourself a lot of money in the long term. At best, estimates up to £500 million pounds per year could be saved in the United Kingdom alone if every building was properly insulated.
– This post was written by Mark Enright, a DIY enthusiast and writer for Northern Insulation, an asbestos removal contractor.

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