Bill McKibben, President Obama, and the Keystone XL Pipeline

Here’s a video in which one of my heroes, environmentalist Bill McKibben, speaks about the Keystone XL Pipeline.  His point is that this decision is in the hands of one man: U.S. President Obama.  With it, he will either live up to his promise to take action on behalf of the Earth’s climate, or he will reveal himself as just another politician who would say whatever was required to get elected, but who lacked the integrity to do what’s right.

I’m hoping to get my daughter (pictured on right) and her best friend (left) to join me in the March To Drop the Pipeline and Support Clean Energy this Saturday, September 21st.  Similar events are happening all over the country; linked above is an app to locate the one nearest you.

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2 comments on “Bill McKibben, President Obama, and the Keystone XL Pipeline
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    I’ll be there!