Society's Adoption of Electric Vehicles and Renewables

A friend wrote me a note just now that I thought I’d share, as it most certainly contains a great deal of truth.  And as depicted in the photo here, this whole transition packs the potential to be a great deal of fun.  He writes:

It is hard to describe the mindshare shift that electric vehicles and renewables have been a part of. In today’s Wall Street Journal front page article on utilities getting bypassed with companies taking on more of their own energy requirements with renewables and other energy systems. Then there is an article about battery pricing progress, good in that it starts to explain the difference which gets complicated, between cells, packs, and then systems. But in a nutshell, the general consensus is that progress is happening successfully, and better government actions could facilitate further.

Then there is an article on Fiskar, a reminder that the waters are treacherous and that the electric ecosystem will have winners and losers. On balance though, between the Wall Street Journal, and Popular Science the public is waking up to the fact that we can control and benefit from this type of transformation, while the shoot the missiles and let’s see what happens approach to world events, just isn’t giving us the return it used to. Read further in the Journal this morning, the US military spending is magnitudes larger than our world competitors, and two thirds of the US public says we have a better priority for our lives with that money which has the opportunity cost to serve the people. Having spent a great deal of time in Washington, I can tell you how corrupt the military industrial “system” is there.

Also, now there is the movie out about Steve Jobs.  I think like Apple, Tesla, Google, not KCPL nor the city of KC Missouri. That movie describes a tough, fierce, innovation oriented industry that will remake finance, entertainment, transportation, and energy over the next ten years.

But the race is on now, we have multiple proposals under consideration at the ceo level with the right players to realize advancement, but I cannot say how negotiations go before hand. What I can say is that the winds are turning and wind is coming into all sails in this remarkable sea change. 

So stay tuned, but the transformation is well underway, and tech and new governance mechanisms will do what the political system has simply been unable to execute on.

This will not be democratic, this will not be republican, this will be progress and it will be powerful and dramatic.

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