Energy Storage Breakthrough Used To Improve Efficiency ….. Of Coal Mining???

Frequent commenter Brian McGowan writes: I found this article on an energy storage breakthrough and it nearly made me tear my hair out. Their first brilliant use for this technology was coal mining?? AARRGGHH!!!!

I understand your frustration, my friend. It’s hard to believe that most of the world doesn’t really see the imperative to knock off our consumption of fossil fuels. World perception is changing, but very slowly. It’s hard to watch this and remain calm, but that’s essentially what we must do.

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One comment on “Energy Storage Breakthrough Used To Improve Efficiency ….. Of Coal Mining???
  1. Steven Andrews says:

    I feel also that we must see these developments as good in that they will be usefull in renewable energy too, not just that it’s helping keep coal in the works. Sooner than later now, transition is taking place and we will see coal out of our worries so we can really dedicate our resources to develop new renewable energy for the future of our children.
    Wind and solar have come a long way, and still have a lot to go and that’s where we should be putting our efforts. Keep on pushing.