From Guest Blogger Paula Sheamus: Different Types of Solar Installations

Some readers might be shocked by the fact that there are different types of solar installations. I know, because I could hardly believe it myself when I first found out but it turned out to be true. Not only that, but the differences aren’t exactly subtle. Depending on your needs, there are different types you are advised to use and even though you won’t be able to generate 1.21 gigawatts, it will be enough to warm up some water (which is what some types provide) and even power up your household (which is what other types provide).I will try to most accurately and clearly explain the variations but you will do well to consult a professional before you get to the installing part just so you can be sure your solar panels are accurately tailored to your specific needs.

Flat Plate Collectors

Flat plate collectors are, and I really want you to bear with me on this one – flat metal plates that collect solar energy (I’m sure on one saw that coming!). These are your garden variety solar panels you usually see on your neighbors’ rooftop. The panels are an intricate network of copper pipes and metal plates. As the plates absorb energy from the sun, the water goes through the panel via the pipe-network and gets heated up, after which it is transported into an insulated containment unit where it can be used later. If you are considering this option but live in a colder climate, you should bear in mind that these things ofter require anti-freeze to function properly in a cold weather, but they still have a life expectancy of about 25 years.

Evacuated Tubes

These panels are large plates formed from interconnected small glass tubes. The tubes are hollow with copper pipes running through the center. By being interconnected, the heat is carried from one tube to the next and consequently heating the water tank. This system is quite effective, indeed, and works better in colder months which is one of the things the good guys trying to sell you the solar panels will tell you. Keep in mind that all of the systems have pros and cons so don’t think even for a second that you can just pick one and be done with it because that is never the case. Picking solar panels requires careful planning and considerations if you’re to be sure that you haven’t made the wrong choice as so often is the case with rushed decisions.
Photovoltaic Solar Panels

Now this here is the gem in the solar panel crown – photovoltaic panels (also known as PV panels). This here is what usually all the fuzz is all about – this is how you solve the energy crisis (or your personal energy crisis) and save lots of money on electricity. This is how you help preserve nature – this is what you aim for if you really want clean green energy. This is what is going to power up your whole household and make you partially independent from the grid.

These puppies are actually made up of many, many small cells that have negative and positive layers in order to create a current. They are essentially using the protons from the sunlight to generate electrons that power your home so you can sit down and watch telly with your family after work, cook your food, keep your refrigerator running and all that good stuff we’re so used to taking for granted. Using different crystals as material, depending on the price, these solar panels will guarantee the comfort of your household and will save you lots of money on power bills.

Author Bio: Paula Sheamus is a blogger writing on DIY projects and home improvement topics. In her professional life she runs a cleaning agency, providing tenancy cleaning in London.

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