How Certain Are We About Climate Change? How Certain Do We Need To Be?

Here’s a good discussion on the level of certainty (95%) that the scientific community has on the existence of anthropogenic climate change. Even the chief scientist at the Cato Institute (whose spokesperson I interviewed for “Renewable Energy – Following the Money”) is on board with the theory.

Do we need to be absolutely certain before we take action?  Astonishingly, some people say yes.

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One comment on “How Certain Are We About Climate Change? How Certain Do We Need To Be?
  1. bigvid says:

    I find it ironic that the same people who will deny climate change without absolutely certain proof will use as an argument the statement “The earth will end only when God declares its time to be over.” For the first part they need absolute proof while for the second part they believe and accept without any proof whatsoever. They will be happy to tell you that you should join their religion just in case there is a God but will not use the same reasoning about climate change.