Young People Jumping Into Distributed Generation, Efficiency, and Conservation

A reader just emailed me to say:

I saw your post referring to an article about Norway investing in alternative energy while I was doing some research on solar power. I enjoyed it very much and was glad you shared it with your readers, including myself.

I wonder if you’d heard much about the recent push for “zero-net” household; home and business owners are reducing their energy use and creating their own electricity in various ways. The increasing availability of renewable electricity sources has been changing the landscape for homeowners who want to get off the grid as much as possible. I had to do a bunch of research on this for a freelance job, and now I’m trying to build up some publishing work on the topic, so I thought I would reach out and see if you’d be interested in working together on an article or having me write something for your site about the topic.

I’d also be more than happy to ghostwrite something for you if you wanted, as long as you don’t mind me linking back to it in the future.

Does a post or article about home energy solutions sound like something you’d be interested in discussing with me?

I respond:

Thanks for writing.  Yes, there is most definitely a trend whereby consumers reduce their carbon footprints with distributed generation, efficiency, and conservation.  Personally, I think this is a going to be huge, and point out that the process will be accelerated by young, eco-conscious people growing up and old people leaving this world (sorry to sound so insensitive).

Your becoming a guest blogger sounds terrific.  I’ll send you an invitation.

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