Hot New Trends in E-Bikes

I’ve had numerous productive conversations with Brian Nordwall, the proprietor of Seattle E-Bike, a company with a very bright future. Because my business background is more in the business-to-business space, I tend not to know as much about consumer products, so I tend not to notice the subtle dynamics of markets like electric-assisted bicycles. Apparently, things are changing very quickly, both in terms of the product offerings (which, according to Brian, have expanded six or eight times over the past two years), but also in terms of the demand, where people are commuting to and from work and taking pleasure trips of up to 100 miles.

I would have thought anyone who wanted to go 100 miles on an e-bike would need to be somewhat deranged, but apparently I’m wrong. In any case, I’m delighted to see this trend towards eco-friendly transportation. And it’s a trend towards fitness as well; studies show that e-bikers generally pedal a great deal, to get some exercise and improve their range. Cue the theme song from “Rocky.”

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