Breakthrough in Geothermal Home Design

For a very long time, we’ve had a basic fact in the palm of our hands:  the temperature of our Earth a few meters beneath the surface is essentially constant, and if we can figure out some basic engineering, this phenomenon will cheaply and reliably bring us cooling in the summer and heating in the winter. But success here hasn’t come easily; in fact, we’ve labored for decades to bring this basic truth forward into a cost-effective solution to our approach to HVAC.

Last week, I met the people who, I believe, have finally perfected this concept:  Geo Power System.  I hope readers interested in approaches to sustainable building will check out the link above; I’m sure anyone who does will be as impressed as I was, and perhaps someone will want to jump on board to move this forward.

As always, it’s a matter of economics.  Anyone can do this.  But can we do it so inexpensively that home-owners actually save money?  In this case, the answer is yes.

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One comment on “Breakthrough in Geothermal Home Design
  1. rifka says:

    Last week, I met the people who, I believe, have finally perfected this concept: Geo Power System. I hope readers interested in approaches to sustainable building will check out the link above; I’m sure anyone who does will be as impressed as I was, and perhaps someone will want to jump on board to move this forward.