Turning Civilization Towards A Sustainable Approach to Energy

Yesterday was the birthday of French novelist Gustave Flaubert, who made one of my favorite observations: “To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.”  This, of course, not too distant from what Emerson (pictured here) told us, albeit without the humor (which I quoted in Is Renewable Really Doable?):  “God offers to every mind its choice between truth and repose. Take which you please, — you can never have both.

The truth, at least when it comes to issues associated with creating a sustainable approach to energy and transportation, is not a pretty thing.  The rate at which we’re damaging our home planet, and our reckless indifference to that damage, is horrifying. 

Fortunately, this is beginning to change.  As I told Jill Buck, hostess of Go Green Radio, during our conversation on the air this morning, “This whole situation has the potential to turn around fairly rapidly, and, if it does, it will be because of people like you who, every day, work hard to bring the truth to a huge number of people.  My hat’s off to you.” I’m sure she appreciated the well-deserved acknowledgment.  

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