Is There Sustainability in our Future?

Here’s a Ted Talk delivered by a 13-year-old boy that will blow your mind.  The subject matter is an innovative approach to education, and the subject of sustainability doesn’t come up directly at all, though I believe it’s implied.  If you can imagine a world populated by people even a fraction as intelligent and creative as this young man, you are, in fact, envisioning a world that functions without the abusive exploitation of resources – both natural and human.

When I interviewed Jason Scorse, Chair of the International Environmental Policy Program at The Monterey Institute of International Studies, for my second book (Is Renewable Really Doable?) he convinced me that humankind actually has a very bright future.  He supported his belief with the fact that young people today will not permit the continuation of practices that are destroying our planet.

I sure hope he’s right.

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One comment on “Is There Sustainability in our Future?
  1. To put it bluntly. Wow.