From Guest Blogger Sara Dawkins: Why Pure Sustainable Energy May Never Be Realized

The Internet is full of reasons why we need to focus more on sustainable energy. Everyone has facts to display about rising sea levels, the waste of resources when fracking, and how we have alternatives to continue our survival as a species. With all of our technological wonder and innovative developments, why are we still dependent on 100-year old technologies in order to survive? Why are there still people starving in the world? Because it’s not profitable to have it any other way.

Water Technology – We are developing methods that can desalinate the water flow from the oceans. We have constructs that can pull the water right out of the atmosphere for people to drink. Yet, much of the planet is facing serious droughts. The technology is there, people just can’t afford such devices. The one thing humans absolutely need to survive comes at a price. After all, the developers of such devices have to pay bills of their own in order to insure their future survival – at the cost of others.

Tree Saving Alternatives – We have materials that can be used instead of wood pulp in order to create the various items we use regularly. One acre of hemp, which is not the same thing as marijuana by the way, can produce more fibrous materials in one year than four acres of trees. This is aside from the fact that the same acre can keep producing hemp products the next year while it will take years for the acres of trees to be large enough to cut down. Yet, we stopped using the material because it is closely related to an illicit drug. The use of hemp goes beyond replacing wood as the fibers can be used in everything from plastics to clothing. While many areas are starting to lift this ban, the damage to trees has already been dealt.

Replacing Oil – We have an abundance of technology that can remove the dependence of oil completely, if it were more profitable to do so for those who have stock in companies such as Shell Oil. Many complain that an electric car battery only lasts for 300 miles between charges. Do you know that most states in the US are not even 300 miles across? If these people were to plug it in every night when they parked, most of them would never see a half-empty charge throughout the lifetime of the vehicle. When you think about it, 300 miles is quite a distance to travel. If you don’t plug in this electric vehicle, of course the battery will drain. If you fail to pay your power bill, it will be turned off as well. You’re own responsibilities shouldn’t be the problems of others. This isn’t including the use of oil to make steam in order to turn a turbine to generate electricity. It was a marvelous idea in the late 1800s, but don’t you think that we can do better than that?

Until it is no longer profitable to utilize oil, renewable and sustainable methods of existence may never be fully realized. Although humanity has seen a bit of improvement in the general mindset of continuance of the human species, the damage may be simply too great to recover from. All we can really do is improve our way of life as best we can to make the dollar stretch as far as possible.

Author Bio

Sara is an active nanny as well as an active freelance writer. She is a frequent contributor of NannyPro.  Learn more about her here.

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