From Guest Blogger Heather Roberts: Reasons to Stick to Green Cleaning Methods

Not too many years ago people couldn’t imagine life without their traditional cleaning products and brands that had been used by their parents and grandparents. We used them to clean our kitchen counters, floors, toilets, do our laundry and dishes and so much more. They were all very effective, making things nice and shiny, however what we couldn’t see was really hurting us. Many of these products actually contain chemical substances that are dangerous to our health. Their fumes or aftereffects can linger for a long time after cleaning, so it would be in your best interest to avoid them at all costs, especially if you’re allergic. Thankfully, there are many ways one can clean with natural methods and materials such as beeswax, coconut oil, citrus oil, tea tree oil, cleaning salt, vinegar and many more. Some of these natural products are easy to find, while others not so much. These can be great to use and also perfectly safe for you and your kid or pets. Companies nowadays also turn toward the green initiative. This article will cover the reasons why we should avoid traditional harsh chemicals:

Chemicals used in products may be unregulated
When you’re using cleaning products you may unknowingly inhale fumes from the chemicals inside. The main offenders here are bleach and ammonia, which on their own produce their own unique smells, however when mixed together they become potentially lethal. Mainstream use of chemicals since World War II saw thousands of different chemicals completely unregulated and used into cleaning products. Today many of the same chemicals are still used in cleaning products of the more traditional variety.

Ammonia, Sodium Hydroxide and more
If you’ve been working with a good number of the older types of cleaning products, then you are aware of how loyal people remain to certain brands. But let’s really ask ourselves, just how often do we really look at what’s inside them? Many times we will see a warning on most of the bottles and products that they are dangerous, however we often ignore them. There are a few substances that should not be ignored. Phtalates, chlorine, 2-Butoxyethanol and triclosan are all things we should avoid that may easily trigger allergies or create other problems for us.

Keeping kids safe
As much as we try to do our best to protect our children against the woes of the world, many people unknowingly ignore dangers close to them due to being either misinformed or unaware of them. One of these dangers is hazardous chemicals present in household cleaning products. Children are curious and love to check out new things, which is sadly one of the reasons why these products are one of the greatest causes of poisoning among them worldwide.

Ground water pollution
Many of the chemicals used in cleaning products contain long-lasting toxic compounds and elements such as phosphorus, petroleum, ammonia and alkyphenol ethoxylates among others. We wash our clothes, we flush our toilet, we was our dishes and bathe and it all goes down the drain and into the world. All that polluted water then goes back into the ground waters of the area, slowly and surely lingering for many years. Although we filter our water, many plants and animals drink that same water and end up suffering for our actions in the process.
A Guest Post from: Bayswater domestic cleaners

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2 comments on “From Guest Blogger Heather Roberts: Reasons to Stick to Green Cleaning Methods
  1. maria smith says:

    We have been using a green cleaning service for the last several years. It’s wonderful to know that our home is toxin free and our kids are safe.

  2. Kate Underwood says:

    I absolutely agree with your statement in this article! It is high time we stopped using commercial products for cleaning which has a harmful impact on the nature. I hope more people come across your website and change their way of living! Best regards!