How Can We Get Bold New Concepts in Sustainability To Take Off?

Earlier today, a friend from the U.K sent me a business plan on a bold new idea in sustainability.  It’s a clever attempt to use the strengths of media in our pop culture to forward a unified voice from “We the People” to the effect that we’re all concerned about the fate of humankind, and that we need to come together to develop and implement solutions to the challenges that stand in the way of a viable future.  I hope to be a part of the success of my friend’s idea, through my numerous contacts in public relations, social media, etc.  I have great respect for the power that resides in the masses when their ideas take root in politics – or the arts.

When I was a young boy growing up in the mid-20th Century, Elvis Presley had an amazing level of appeal – though few people know that composer/pianist  Louis Moreau Gottschalk (pictured), the first American musical celebrity, was just as popular in the mid-19th Century.  His fans sailed around the world, following him and his dazzling performances, during which it was common for women to faint.

That’s what we need here: a social presence for cleantech and sustainability that is so great that people are literally passing out from its sheer beauty.

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