From Guest Blogger Claire Reed: Saving Energy While You Are Away

Making a “green living” at home conserves valuable resources and it’s better for the environment too. So, jump on the bandwagon of loving mother earth and save energy as well as money while you are at home or you are away from home. Small changes made by you can add up to big changes for the environment. Following are a few points, which must be kept in mind for saving energy in individual capacity:

1. Adjust the temperature:

a. Water Heater. Unless you have a tank less unit, your water heater will continue heating water while you are away. Adjust the temperature setting as low as possible to reduce standby heat loss.
b. Refrigerator. Refrigerators are one of the biggest energy users in a typical home. If you are leaving for a short period, conserve energy by adjusting the thermostats on your refrigerator and freezer. For trips lasting four weeks or more, consider emptying your refrigerator and unplugging it.

c. Air Conditioner. There is no need to keep your house cool while you are away. Turn off your air conditioner. If you have a programmable thermostat, set it to vacation mode; it will conserve energy while you are away and cool your house shortly before you return.

2. Before leaving:

 Install covers on pools and spas and check for leaks around your pumps.

3. Lights:

Install timers on indoor and outdoor lights and set them to turn the lights on for a few hours each night. This will conserve energy and provide added security by giving the illusion that someone is at home.

4. Electronics:

Phantom loads cost you money when you are away. While turning off electronic devices saves energy, digital displays and instant-on features continue to use energy. Unplug all electronic devices before you leave.

5. Keep your fireplace dampers closed:

Keeping the damper open (when you’re not using your fireplace) is like keeping a 48-inch window wide open during the winter; it allows warm air to go right up the chimney. This can add up to hundreds of dollars each winter in energy loss. So, keep it close when you are not at your place.

6. Conserving Energy at your Destination:

Conserving energy is important no matter where you are. Turn off the lights and adjust the thermostat upward when you leave. To conserve energy and water, reuse bathroom towels whenever possible, and consider walking or taking public transportation instead of using a rental vehicle.

7. Open the blinds:

Many of the mornings when you are rushing off to work, simply open the blinds in winters to let in the sun. So the sun’s natural heat will help your home comfortable and minimize the bills raised by the thermostat. The natural day lightening is great for the house.

After going through the given checklist, I’m sure most of us will discover the various ways by which we can save energy as well as diverting it efficiently in our daily lives even when we are on vacation.

About The Author – Claire Reed is a writer/blogger. She loves writing, travelling and reading books. She contributes to Online Reputation Management Company. She also loves to writing about online reputation, web designing and latest technology.

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