Aeroponics and Aquaponics – Amazing Concepts in Sustainable Agriculture

Aeroponics and Aquaponics – Amazing Concepts in Sustainable AgricultureWhen I was first introduced to aeroponics and aquaponics many years ago, I remember scoffing at the guy on the phone who was pitching the idea that I make it one of my cleantech investment opportunities.  “We have millions of square miles of dirt and all the free sunlight we could possibly want,” I sneered, “And you want to grow plants indoors?  Sorry.”

But the more I read, the faster I realized how wrong I was. First of all, one does not need to do this indoors; there are aeroponics towers on people’s back porches, and on restaurant rooftops all over the world’s great cities, e.g., Manhattan.  Secondly, realize that we’re dealing with a subject that brings together a great many different important benefits in one concept:

• Locally grown

• Organic food

• No weeding (admittedly just a convenience, but a highly appealing one)

• Virtually zero water waste, and thus no wasted energy moving that water to its point of use

• No fertilizer run-off

• No soil depletion and other ill-effects from modern (read “abusive”) farming methods, e.g., monocropping

• Near zero energy footprint associated with planting, harvesting, and transportation

• Reduces the size of (and potentially totally eliminates) inner-urban food deserts, improving nutrition, reducing childhood obesity, diabetes, etc.

In any case, about a year later, when I realized how long this list of benefits really was, and how I had jeered at the caller, I felt so sheepish (thus the picture above) that I called back to apologize.  He was quite gracious, but obviously glad I’d gotten back in touch.

Since that time, my colleagues and I have created a significant amount of content on the subject, e.g., this webinar on aeroponics.

If you’re interested in learning more, there is no better place to begin then the Aquaponic Source.  They’re headquartered in Colorado, but their effects are felt globally.  I know they’d love to hear from you.




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