From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weekley–Environmental and Financial Consciousness: Five Recycling Projects that Turn a Profit

Environmental and Financial Consciousness: Five Recycling Projects that Turn a ProfitYou know that you should recycle, the trick is getting yourself to make the effort to sort your trash and visit the recycling center. Here are five projects that offer monetary compensation for responsibly disposing of materials you’d be getting rid of anyway.

1. Scrap Tires

Whether you need to replace the tires on the family vehicle or have a couple sets of old tires taking up space in the garage, turning those tires in to a recycler are a great way to supplement your income. Some tire recyclers retread tires for resale, while others will repurpose the components of the tire, such as the steel thread in the tire tread. Make sure to check the requirements of your particular tire recycler. Then reach out to local gas stations and garages, and friends or family to see if they have any used tires you can donate.

Your compensation will depend on the kind of recycler you work with, but usually recyclers have a set price per tire. The more tires you can find, the better the check will look. Getting paid for your tires is better than letting them become fire hazards or houses for disease-carrying pests.

  1. Cans and Bottles

Instead of putting your soda can into the trash, set up another can for glass and plastic bottles and aluminum cans. It may take you and your family a while to collect enough cans and bottles for a trip to your local recycling center, but it’s a great way to teach your children about environmental responsibility. The compensation you’ll get for each item will vary by state, but this is a great recycling project to help your family save up for a trip or family treat.

  1. Junk Cars

You may not have a couple clunkers just lying around, but exchanging your gas guzzler through a scrappage program can put you a few steps closer to purchasing an energy-efficient car and reducing your household’s environmental impact. According to, scrappage programs refurbish usable cars to make them more eco-friendly before they can be resold. Or, if the car is unsalvageable, it will be dismantled and the parts will be reused or recycled.

Many scrappage programs will give you a free online estimate of how much your car is worth, so shop around. If your junk car is a fairly recent model and in good condition, you’ll get a better price from a program that refurbishes used vehicles. But if your clunker is no longer functional, contact a recycling centers instead. Recycling your car instead of letting it rot in your yard or a landfill can earn you a little cash and reduce the environmental impact of disused vehicles.

  1. Plastic Cards

If you have several gift cards lying in a drawer that may never be used, consider donating them to a program like Gift Card Rescue. Plastic cards are made from PVC, which can be can be recycled. Consider recycling:

  • Empty or unused gift cards
  • Expired store and membership cards
  • Expired library cards

Be sure not to donate cards that contain sensitive information, such as cards that have your name and address printed on them. It’s rare that you’ll receive the face value of unspent gift cards, but donating gift cards you’ll never use and other plastic cards can clear out some clutter and earn you a little money besides.

  1. Cooking Oil

Many corporations and individuals will pay you for your used cooking oil. Used cooking oil can be used for heating or converted into components that are used in animal feed.

Because the usual compensation for used oil is anywhere from 33¢ to 66¢/gallon, selling your used oil will only be truly profitable if you frequently use a fryer or own a food services business. Oil prices are highest during the winter, so selling the oil you use for holiday cooking can earn you more cash for holiday extras.

These recycling projects are just the beginning. Collection projects are great fundraisers for children’s sport teams, school classes, and families alike. Get creative—recycling is a great way to do your part for the environment while earning money.

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One comment on “From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weekley–Environmental and Financial Consciousness: Five Recycling Projects that Turn a Profit
  1. bigvid says:

    Here is an example of large scale cooking oil recycling.