Koch Brothers Hard At Work In Their Mission to Kill Wind Energy

Koch Brothers Hard At Work To Kill Wind EnergyI thought I’d get a quick start on my new book and knock out a few interviews by phone. To that end, I had a call scheduled with a colleague in Kansas, a senior player in the wind energy industry.

Well, this was anything but a quick start; I had technical problems with my recording/transcription system, and my colleague got busy and missed the call (fortunately for me). His email contained some poignantly interesting stuff, though, which I thought I’d publish here:

I am so sorry to have missed the call, Craig. It is crazy right now with elections tomorrow. As you probably know, the Kochs here in Kansas are trying to kill wind power with legislation. Even though 91% of the people want more wind power, the Kochs are out to stop anything that threatens their fossil fuel profits. They literally own a majority of the legislature. But many of their stooges voted for wind power because it is good business for Kansas, especially our farmers. Like many renewable energy people, I’m working long days before the primary tomorrow to protect the people who voted in support of wind power. It will be a long couple of days.

Holy mackerel.  Being a natural skeptic, I had always been suspicious that the reports I’d read on the Kochs were exaggerated.  Apparently not.  No wonder these people are so thoroughly reviled.

And can someone explain why they don’t hate themselves?  Can you imagine having to live with yourself knowing that your mission in life is to turn your net worth of $50 billion into $100 billion, while poisoning the only planet we have?

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