How Does Big Oil Misinform Voters About Renewable Energy? Check Out This Cartoon

As I’ve mentioned in dozens of posts over the years, one of the issues at the core of most of our woes here in the U.S. are screwy interpretations of the First Amendment to our Constitution. Most famously, we have the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 decision “Citizens United,” which, under the guise of protecting free speech, grants corporations the right to spend as much money as they want to manipulate our elections in whatever direction suits their purpose.

In the energy sector, obviously, it means that the fossil fuel boys can (and do) spend as much as they want to confuse and misinform voters about renewable energy.  Having said that, the self-same problem is replicated in big food, big pharma–pretty much anything with a “big” in front of it.   That’s how they get bigger every day.

Now, along comes a cartoonist who illustrates all this insanity in a brilliant and hilarious fashion.



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