Renewable Energy Has Unseen Benefits

Renewable Energy Has Unseen BenefitsIn the process of helping me on my new book project, “Bullish on Renewable Energy – Eleven Reasons Why Clean Energy Investors Can’t Lose,” my UK-based colleague Gary Tulie sent me a video to underscore the point that renewable energy has benefits most of us don’t see every day. Here’s a school with 400 students in Kenya’s Nyeri county in the Aberdere mountains, around 60 miles to the North of Nairobi, where the kids were performing poorly for two reasons:

• Insufficient lighting impaired their ability to read and study in the evening, and

• Where it existed at all, lighting came from kerosene lamps whose wicks were made of old blankets, producing a toxic mixture of gases causing extremely high rates of asthma and other lung ailments.

Along comes solar energy and batteries. Sick ignorant kids are now healthy educated kids.

It’s hard to over-estimate the importance of this, as the benefits carry forward in time to a point where these kids are grown, and far more likely to live productive and responsible lives.

Thanks, Gary for all your help and support, and for reminding me what this is all about.

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