U.S. Senate Could Vote To Overturn “Citizens United” – the Supreme Court Decision from Hell

U.S. Senate Could Vote To Overturn “Citizens United” – the Supreme Court Decision from HellDemocracy is such a powerful idea that it appears capable of surviving even when the most powerful forces of Earth are trying so desperately to destroy it.  It seems that this Monday, our leaders will have the opportunity to nullify a law, based on a U.S. Supreme Court decision that was made almost five years ago, that currently enables U.S.-based corporations to spend as much as they wish to influence our elections.

This, of course, has had disastrous effects—some of which would be laughable if they weren’t so tragic, for example, stuffing Congress with dozens of climate change deniers–far more than occur randomly in nature–some of whom quote the bible to defend their position.  I refer those of you who think I’m making this up to the post linked above in which I noted:

,,,,Illinois Congressman John Shimkus (pictured), who aspired to be chairman of the super-powerful House Committee on Energy and Commerce, quoted the bible (the books of Genesis and Matthew) as reason not to act on climate change, reading:

And He will send His angels with a loud trumpet call and they will gather His elect from the four winds from one end of the heavens to the other. The Earth will end only when God declares it is time for it to be over. Man will not destroy this Earth.

Shimkus continued, asserting,

There is a theological debate that this is in fact a carbon-starved planet, not that we have too much carbon.

While I hesitate to challenge anyone’s faith, I don’t hesitate for a second in recommending that we find a way to prevent our oil companies from electing lawmakers whose policy decision-making process so aggressively fly in the teeth of critically relevant scientific discoveries.

If you agree, you may want to make your voice heard, signing a petition to urge the Senate to make the right call here.



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