From Guest Blogger Romeo: Save 348 TWh of Electricity – The Green Side of LED Lighting

eco friendly lighting energy saving

Light emitting diode (LEDs) are type of semi-conductor light sources that were initially used as indicators lamps in devices such as telephones, TVs and in seven segment displays such as calculators and elevators. As technology advanced, they started to be used as alternatives of fluorescent and incandescent lighting. Due to their many benefits, LED lighting gained popularity all over the world. In this article, we will look at some of the main environmental benefits which are associated with LED lighting.

1. Consumes Less Energy

LED light uses between 50 – 80 percent less energy than the normal fluorescent and incandescent bulb fixtures and produces less amount of carbon emission. In addition, they don’t emit any Sulphur dioxide or nuclear waste. LED lighting contains no mercury like fluorescent lamps and thus does not spoil the environment with toxic substances when ii is disposed. They are great for under cabinet lighting, as they emit directional light compared to that of incandescent bulbs which is spherical. As you will see below, there is an environmental benefit of this feature.

2. Less Lighting Needed

LEDs focus their light in one direction and thus have better light quality than other kinds of lighting which waste a lot of energy as they emit light in all directions. This means that you require less LED lights to get the same level of brightness as that of incandescent and fluorescents lights, thus saving energy consumption and therefore, a benefit to the environment.

3. Durability

LED lighting durability

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LEDs lighting last as much as twenty times longer than your ordinary lighting sources, and thus there is no need of replacing them often. This reduces the environmental impacts of manufacturing, packaging and even shipment. They are manufactured to provide more than ten years of free maintenance service and thus reduce the environmental impact of servicing.

4. Low Temperatures

LED lighting maintenances low temperatures in the house as they don’t heat up like other halogen bulbs. Incandescent bulbs waste about 80 percent of their energy heating up while LED lights just light up without the need of heat. Less heat means greener environment. In addition, LEDs lights are made from solid state material making them hard to break due to external shock, thus they are ideal for stadiums and sports grounds.

5. No UV Radiations

Normal lighting attracts a lot of mosquitoes as they emit UV radiations. LEDs are 100% free from this, thus leaving the environment as clean as before and even healthier. Additionally, they don’t produce noise, making them ideal for high precision electrical materials and libraries.

energy consumption

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6. Solar Panels

If you have installed solar panels in your house, then LEDs are the ideal bulbs for lighting. The reason behind this is they require less power to light. Even with limited power, they run well and even for a very long time.

According to the United State Department of Energy, increased use of LED lighting can lead to high levels of energy saving in the U.S. By the year 2027, increased use of LEDs might save up to 348 terawatt hours of electricity compared to no use of LEDs. With the increase in their demand, LEDs lightings are available in different options such as Track Lighting, Diffused Bulbs, Dimmable Globe LED bulb, LED tube lights and Flood Reflectors. You can make your choice as per your needs.

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