Solar Energy Becoming Fabulously Inexpensive

Solar Energy Becoming Fabulously InexpensiveThe picture here may imply that pretty girls are necessary to sell solar PV, but journalist Bill Moyers vehemently disagrees.  On a recent episode of his popular show on PBS, Moyers presented evidence that the solar industry is booming—and for the very reason that I claim in my current book project (“Bullish on Renewable Energy – Eleven Reasons Why Clean Energy Investors Can’t Lose“) namely, that it’s become fabulously inexpensive.

The bottom line here is that the fossil fuel industry has, in effect, lost the battle. The exact time of its demise can be debated, but it’s certainly far closer than most people imagine. The issue, of course, is the concept of the “Tipping Point” that author Malcolm Gladwell popularized in his 2007 best-seller of that title.  As you look through the graphics in the article linked above, try to imagine the scale we’re talking about here: enormous volumes of manufacturing capacity that are growing at a compound annual growth rate of 66%.



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