Renewable Energy Guest Blogging

Renewable Energy Guest BloggingEver wonder about the scientific validity of the claims made by guest bloggers?  To be honest, I normally don’t, but here’s an exception that I thought I’d share, this one concerning the recent post on iron pyrite and solar PV.

Rep of Blogger:  Thank you so much for placing the article live. It looks great! Can I ask you a small favor? I hope you are okay with it.  Is it possible to move this disclaimer: “From a Guest Blogger” at the end of the article?

Craig:  The problem is that if I do that, my readers will think I wrote it personally.  I can’t deal with that.  No offense.

Rep of Blogger:  Not a problem; I understand.

Craig:  Btw, where does the data about iron pyrite come from? Can you send me something on that, please?

Rep of Blogger:  I’ll ask the author and get back to you.

Craig:  Thanks. I can’t imagine how there is the remotest bit of scientific validity to this. That’s why I wouldn’t comply with your request to remove “guest blogger” from the title; some bloggers write total crap, designed only to get functioning links to their clients’ websites–and there’s really nothing I can do about that.  Not only do I not edit these articles, I normally don’t even read them. The only reason I even looked at this one is the interchange that you and I were having about it. In any case, I certainly don’t blame you; based on our communication, I sincerely think you’re a lovely person.

Rep of Blogger:  Thanks!  Here’s the page our writer used as article reference:

Craig:  Thanks. I suppose I have to admit that this isn’t total malarkey, just borderline.  I guess that understanding why a certain substance, iron pyrite in this case, doesn’t work in solar PV is of some potential interest to someone somewhere.  These people could have analyzed why guacamole doesn’t work, and that would have had identical practicality to the advancement of the subject (i.e., zero).  In any case, thanks for getting back to me.



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