Our Sensibilities Are Changing at an Incredible Speed

Our Sensibilities Are Changing at Incredible SpeedFor those who think that human attitudes and glaciers move at the same pace, check out this gag set of Christmas cards from Ayn Rand.  Yes, you’ll chuckle, but remember that it was only 50 years ago that many intellectuals thought she was the leading thinker of the day, and that the phrase “objectivist epistemology” had some sort of meaning in the English language.  Five decades later we’re scratching our heads, wondering how it’s possible that anyone with the sense of a hamster ever had that notion.

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2 comments on “Our Sensibilities Are Changing at an Incredible Speed
  1. Steven Andrews says:

    Ayn Rand was corroding society’s framework around the middle of the 20th century, her contributions were destructive, she was one of the intellectual terrorists of our time, her thoughts and opinions of our responsibilities with our environment, our fellow people’s health or well being are the basis of today’s line of thought, reinforced by greed.
    Money matters more than our future.
    One may analyze what the politicians say vrs. what they do. One wonders.
    Are we going to learn from this?
    Another swing in our history.
    Are we going to be able to teach our children what is nessesary in school?
    Civilized? or are we De-civilazing?