Proud to Write for the Financial Prognosticator "The Hedge Connection"

Proud to Write for the Financial Prognosticator "The Hedge Connection"Over the last six months I wrote a number of articles for the Hedge Connection, a newsletter that goes out to many thousands of investors, especially family offices.  Considering that one of its most important domains is clean energy, I was happy to oblige when they invited me to contribute.

Understandably, they like to jazz up their weekly email with a quote from an economist who wrote something about a topic of current importance.
In today’s newsletter: “Every global recession since 1970 has been preceded by at least a doubling of the oil price, and every time the oil price has fallen by half and stayed down for six months or so, a major acceleration of global growth has followed.”  – Economist and journalist, Anatole Kaletsky

Like everyone else, I’m trying (perhaps foolishly) to time the very bottom of the market.  The two sharpest financial observers I know are both very certain that we haven’t reached the floor.  But Kaletsky has a point here, i.e., when the world economy expands, it does so on cheap energy.  And, for better of worse, we have a lot of that right now.

But here’s a question to consider:  Where will that cheap energy come from when the price of oil goes back up?  (This, of course, is inevitable, as the tar sands continue to become harder and more expensive to reach.)  Some people say that the answer is clean energy.

And that, of course, is the theme of my new book, Bullish on Renewable Energy, in which I walk the reader through 14 reasons that the price of renewables can only continue to fall.  Available in a week or two….



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