Inc. Magazine Picks Up On Small Wind Rising Star "WindStream"

Inc. Magazine Picks Up on Small Wind Up-and-Comer WindStreamHere’s an article from the online version of Inc. Magazine written by a young man who somehow picked three cleantech companies and heralded them as “the hottest on the planet.”  I came across this because one of them happened to be WindStream, the folks I’ve mentioned several times for their very interesting and reasonably priced product in “small wind” (the name given to wind turbines under 50 KW). 

When I saw this yesterday, I got a hold of WindStream CEO Dan Bates, who’s been a friend of mine for several years, and asked, “Holy smokes, that is some nice PR.  Do you mind if I ask how you managed to have your company selected?”

“I have no idea, Craig.  It just happened,” he replied, clearly mystified.

So what’s the take-away here?    Luck happens?   Proactive outflow to cleantech journalists doesn’t matter?  I’m actually not sure.

In any case, congratulations to the team at WindStream, and keep up the good work—not that there was any involved in this particular case.



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