Renewable Energy from the Oceans’ Tides

Renewable Energy from the Oceans’ TidesThese amazing photographs of the Earth’s moon provide another opportunity for me to link to one of our renewable energy infographics that depicts the four different basic types of energy that are available to us.  Of course, the orbit of the moon brings us the oceans’ tides which are especially robust in the extreme latitudes, i.e., closest to the poles.  As shown here, the folks in Alaska have to be very careful where they park their automobiles; if they’re not, they will return to find their cars being washed out into the Northern Pacific.

Of course, these extreme tides are good news for the hydrokinetics industry that is endeavoring to convert all that energy into electricity.

As shown in the infographic, the Earth came into being about 4.54 billion years ago. 50 million years later, the moon came along when another giant mass collided with our newly formed planet.

Humankind has been celebrating the beauty of our moon with romance and awe, in our literature and our music, from the time our species came along–just yesterday in geological time.


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