Who Cares that McDonalds Won’t Offer Veggie Burgers? They Crossed the "Evil" Line Long Ago

McDonalds Won’t Offer Veggie Burgers—Nor Should TheyApparently, there is a push from the eco/health-conscious consumer to coax McDonalds into selling a vegetarian option to their cow (fat/salt/sugar) burgers. Why? No one will buy them. McDonalds customers either don’t know or don’t care that they’re ingesting something that’s terrible in all respects. Most of the fast-food restaurants have gotten rid of their fish-on-a-bun choices for exactly this reason.

Outside of their philanthropy, whose motivation itself can be questioned, there’s nothing nice at all you can say about McDonalds.The company spends $988 million annually advertising food that is carefully created to become addictive, especially to kids, to whom it provides extremely poor nutrition, which in turns brings about childhood obesity and diabetes.  For those of you who may be unconcerned about our children’s health (??), the institutional raising of beef (in this case, raising and killing of almost one million cows per year to produce 75 hamburgers per second) is an abomination for the environment.  The whole enterprise is simply a well-disguised evil.

So why push this organization to do something that simply won’t work?  We don’t ask cocaine dealers to serve orange juice. The argument here with McDonalds really isn’t any stronger.

Here’s an interesting infographic on the subject, courtesy of CompareCamp.com.



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