Climate Change Denier Heads U.S. Senate Environmental Committee: ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz

Climate Change Denier Heads U.S. Senate Environmental CommitteeIt’s customary around here to at least try to add value to articles we cite, like this one, in which U.S. President Obama expresses that he’s disturbed that the Senate Environmental Committee is now run by climate change denier Jim Inhofe (R-OK).  Yet it’s hard to know what to layer on top of the piece that would clarify or amplify the article itself.  Yes, the most senior group in the U.S. law-making process whose role is safeguarding the environment is headed by a fellow who quotes scripture as proof that humankind is not causing (and cannot cause) damage to the Earth that God made for us.

Obama does make a couple of points that are noteworthy, however.
For example, he doesn’t appear bashful about identifying the blatant corruption that explains the presence of people like Inhofe (pictured).  According to the article, Obama said:

“In some cases, though, you have elected officials who are shills for the oil companies or the fossil fuel industry and there’s a lot of money involved.  Typically in Congress the committees of jurisdiction, like the energy committees, are populated by folks from places that pump a lot of oil and pump a lot of gas.”

He also suggests that this is a strange though temporary phenomenon:

“I guarantee you that the Republican Party will have to change its approach to climate change because voters will insist upon it.”

We can only hope.  This whole denialism concept is getting harder to defend each month, and even the dimmest bulbs out there will eventually begrudgingly admit that perhaps 97% of our scientific community did not conspire to perpetrate a hoax on the peoples of the world.

Who knows.


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