From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: How to Ensure Your Home is Circulating Clean Air During the Hot Summer Months

How to Ensure Your Home is Circulating Clean Air During the Hot Summer MonthsWhen temperatures reach an all-time high during the summer months, most people prefer to stay indoors and leave the air conditioning running just to stay cool. Instead of suffering outside in the sun, it’s much more enjoyable to feel comfortable in a colder climate. With the air running throughout the day, it’s common that dirt and dust is circulating. To ensure that you’re breathing in clean air, there are a few steps to take before the summer season arrives.

Clean the Air Ducts

Cleaning the air ducts can improve the health of each resident in the home by removing contaminants that are present. It will also remove mold spores and pollutants that have built up to prevent a number of health problems that can develop. You can also clean the vents in each room of the home to prevent dust from being blown into the air during the day.

Use an Air Purifier

Running an air purifier in the home is one of the most effective ways of ensuring that clean air is circulating when the air conditioner runs. Use an air purifier that contains a HEPA filter for allergy relief by catching pet dander, tobacco smoke, and dust mites with a mesh material that it contains.

Keep the Windows Closed

Keeping the windows closed when the AC unit is not in use will prevent more dirt from entering the home. Although it’s tempting to keep the windows open to increase the home’s air flow, you can still keep the home cool by relying on both overhead fans and pedestal fans when the air conditioning is not in use.

Get an Air Conditioning Tune Up

After many years, the HVAC unit can become dirty without a proper tune up. Call a professional in your local area for an air conditioning tune up to prevent complications with the system. It will also allow the unit to run more efficiently and can include replacing the filter to ensure that fresh, clean air is circulated in the home throughout the season.

Do a bit of spring cleaning by taking a few steps to ensure that your HVAC unit and air ducts are clean before it’s time to run your air conditioner unit for several months on end. It will not only prevent health problems from developing, but will allow you to breath easier and have a cleaner home.

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