From Guest Blogger James Timpson: Transforming your Workplace into a Greener Environment

Transforming your Workplace into a Greener EnvironmentThere are many advantages to improving the green credentials of your workplace including: a lower carbon footprint which helps the environment; greater appeal to customers who value environmentally friendliness; and monetary savings on your utility bills.

In addition, whether your company is large or small there is a wide variety of environmental legislation in place you need to comply with. Here we are going to examine some eco-friendly strides you can take forward in almost every aspect of your business.
Heating and Cooling

Maintaining a constant temperature within a building is one step towards lowering your heating and cooling costs. Using air curtains is very effective as they form a barrier of air between the inside and the outside, thus providing insulation and improving energy efficiency. Further, they act as a deterrent to insects and pollution crossing the threshold, so they also improve air quality inside the building.

Install a programmable thermostat on your heating and cooling system so you can fine-tune it to find the perfect temperature for the building. It will also mean you will make savings as you can lower the temperature or provide less cooling when the building is empty.

The building you are based in will also play a part in how low you can drive your energy bills. The better insulated and glazed it is the less heat you will lose.

Saving Energy

When you are purchasing new equipment always try to select the most energy efficient models you can afford for your budget. Even if this equipment is a little higher priced you will make savings on your energy bills going forward. Don’t leave equipment in standby overnight as this still drains energy, so switch off everything before you leave.

Exchange old light bulbs for energy efficient ones and if possible install motion sensors, so lights only come on in areas where people are working. This is much more effective than relying on staff to remember to switch off the lights all the time.

Saving Water

You can also make quite substantial savings whilst preserving another natural resource, water. The type of business you run will dictate how high your water usage is, but regardless you can still make savings whether it is high or low. Dual flush toilets, automatic shut-off taps, eco-friendly shower heads and energy and water efficient washing machines and dishwashers can all make a big difference.

For any equipment you buy that helps with water or energy efficiency the government offers tax incentives through the Enhanced Capital Allowances Scheme. With savings of up to 21% against taxable profit on offer, this can be well worth investigating for your business.
Reducing Waste

The next step to creating a greener environment in your workplace is to tackle waste. Switch over to a paperless office so that the majority of data is stored electronically and you print as little as possible.

Your other waste, including plastics, aluminium, cardboard and glass should be recycled and you should encourage your staff to help sort it into the correct bins as they throw it away.

If your company produces any hazardous waste then this needs to be disposed of in line with legislation. Most businesses will need to get rid of electrical equipment at some stage and this need to be done in line with WEEE regulations.


When you are purchasing or disposing of furniture, and even some equipment, consider upcycling or passing your outdated furniture to others who may need it, instead of sending it to landfill. Some charities will take it from you to use or sell, or you can freecycle it.


You will probably have your workplace cleaned by contractors on a daily basis and this means they get through a large amount of cleaning products. Therefore, help the environment by ensuring this is biodegradable. In addition, all your refills such as toilet rolls and hand towels should be made from recycled paper.

If you follow these steps you will be on the path to a greener workplace, which is good for you, clients, employees, the wider community and not least the environment.

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