From Guest Blogger Sophie Andersen: Saving Energy Plan for your Home

Saving Energy Plan for your HomeAre your gas, heating and electricity bills going through the roof? Were you wondering how your home can run on less energy?  Being environmentally conscious is not only a popular notion of keeping our planet healthier and cleaner, it will also a great way to save money.  Sometimes even implementing simple modifications will save you from financial headaches. It will require some lifestyle changes, but you have the means and the power to make it happen.


Prevent the loss of energy

You need to take a whole-house approach, and check whether you are losing some energy. Your home is and interdependent energy system with weak spots such as leaky windows or ducts. Your attic, windows, and doors could also be poorly insulated.

You might have to do some repair and maintenance, but the good news is that there are many sSaving Energy Plan for your hometate-backed financial incentives for people looking to save energy. They include the home insulation grants, which can save you 15% on your fuel bills.

Everyday adjustments

There is a truckload of practical everyday solutions for saving energy.  The beauty of it is that most of them won’t cost you anything. We all like a long relaxing bath that melts the stress away, for example, but keep in mind that taking short showers is much energy efficient.

Did you know that the 90% of a washing machine’s energy expenditure goes for heating the water? Washing your clothes at 30-40°C will thus save a lot of electricity.  Air-dry your laundry afterwards, which is a must when you have a warm or windy weather outside as an ally.

Unplug all the appliances you are not using, even the chargers. Don’t leave anything on standby, since it is an energy wasting habit.   Turn things off at the socket instead, and don’t forget the monitor when turning off a computer. You can plug your electronics into power strips and turn it off when they are not in use.

Advanced methods of producing and saving energy

The renewable energy is a popular choice today, and it will be the thing of the future. Use it to generate electricity, heat, and indoor and outdoor light. You can utilize a small wind turbine for pumping water, or solar energy to heat it.

Installing solar panels in your home could save you a vast amount of money you spend on electricity bills. You can assemble them on a roof or ground yourself, or call a professional solar contractor. With the government Feed-in Tariff scheme, you will get paid for the generated energy, and installation comes free. Improving our energy security has never been more easy and important.

Make it happen

Excessive energy consumption not only harms our environment, but also our budget.  There are many ways to cut down on your spending and create an energy-efficient home. Change your lavish lifestyle- wash smart, and take shorter showers.  Make adjustments to the heating and cooling systems and see your bills shrinking. Seal and insulate your home, prevent the heat loss through windows and doors. Why throw away the money when you can use it for other things?

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