Fossil Fuels Will Soon Be Obsolete

A reader offered this quote from Buckminster Fuller:  “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

So true.  And I was especially happy to see this because it’s the guiding thought behind my most recent book, Bullish on Renewable Energy. We’re now at the point in our civilization’s development of energy technology at which the fossil fuel empire is rapidly becoming obsolete.

Best of all, there’s nothing that anyone can do about this; it’s inexorable. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how many politicians you can buy when electricity derived from wind is far less expensive on a levelized cost of energy basis than electricity that comes from coal-fired power plants.  Yes, this is the case in just a few locations in the U.S., but they are becoming larger and more plentiful with each passing month.

Many aspects of technology are conspiring to make this happen; not only is the new generation of wind turbines far more cost-effective than ever, but we also are seeing better power transmission and cheaper energy storage of various types, including electric transportation, i.e., charging EV batteries with off-peak wind.

It won’t be long.


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One comment on “Fossil Fuels Will Soon Be Obsolete
  1. glenndoty01 says:


    It depends on your definition of “soon”. If you think long-term, as I do… then yes that statement is correct. But oil, natural gas, and coal will still play an absolutely pivotal role in the economy by 2050, and probably won’t be phased out completely until ~2100..

    That’s a very optimistic timeline. So while we can and should celebrate the successes in renewable energy, and the rapid cost reduction of some types of renewable energy in some regions… we have to recognize that this is a massive undertaking. It will not be accomplished quickly by most people’s perspective.