Different Perspectives on Renewable Energy

Here’s Why Chevron Couldn’t Make Biofuels WorkOn my post on the Sierra Club and Chevron, a long-time reader who happens to be a biofuels expert writes:  I do not want to read political opinion so I and others will unsubscribe.

I respond:

I’ll be quite sorry to see you go.

You’ve probably noticed that these newsletters, of which you’ve received many hundreds since you first subscribed many years ago, offer a wide variety of perspectives on renewable energy and sustainability more generally.  Some offer scientific fact that I believe will be new and potentially valuable to readers.  Others, however, are simply my opinions or those of people I find credible.  Of those based on opinion, some pertain to business arenas that I/we believe will be important in the future, others to politics and philosophy, and other arenas in which there are altogether no “facts.”

The concept of offering this potpourri may be unusual, but it’s what I’ve been doing since 2009.  Of course, you are free to unsubscribe; you won’t be the first.  But insofar as you and I have had some great communication back and forth through the years through which I have learned a great deal, again, I will certainly miss you.



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