Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Eco-Disaster in the Making

Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Eco-Disaster in the Making

I just received an email that reads:

Craig, we won a big victory in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday—when Democrats voted against moving on fast-track legislation for the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) agreement.

But the battle to stop a secret corporate trade deal is not over.

Efforts are already underway to peel off enough Senate Democrats to pass it, and Mitch McConnell is hell-bent on pushing it now—even at the expense of renewing crucial transportation funds that expire on June 1st.

Your Democratic senator needs to hear from you today, that Fast-Track approval for the TPP is wrong for American jobs, wrong for the environment and wrong for consumers.

I suspect that what these folks are saying about the Trans-Pacific Partnership is correct on all fronts, i.e., it’s bad for jobs, etc. The only thing about which I’m certain, however, is that it’s terrible for the environment. If you care about living on a planet where the world’s most aggressive polluters are not at liberty to ruin our eco-systems, the TPP is a catastrophe.

I called one of my Senators (Dianne Feinstein – pictured above) just now to leave a message to this effect; I welcome all my fellow Americans to do the same.


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One comment on “Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Eco-Disaster in the Making
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    If this was such a great deal, we wouldn’t be seeing it still classified with the attempt to pass it without debate or amendment. Basically our “public servants” are being told, “We’re not telling you what’s in this law, so just say yes to it now, and shut up about it.” Do the words “banana republic” or “kangaroo court” ring a bell?