Google in the Developing World

Google in the Developing WorldIt’s no secret that Google is the world’s most rapidly diversifying company, and I found further proof of this yesterday when I had the pleasure of meeting Rick Needham, Google’s Director of Energy and Sustainability, at the Low Carbon Investing conference. One of Rick’s most important goals is to electrify the developing world. Of course, I was very keen on this, as electricity means an end to burning kerosene lanterns, and provides the basis for education, which in turn means greater productivity and self-sufficiency, and ultimately fewer children.

He said something interesting that I hadn’t previously considered: It’s counter-productive to give away the hardware, e.g., solar PV, for two reasons:

• There is no one to support it if there are operational/maintenance issues, and

• If this rural electrification process is going to happen, it will require that vendors have a market to sell their products; they can’t sell to people who already have what they offer. Thus there is no sustainable business for them to operate.

Great points from a very smart guy.


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