Apple Pie, Environmentalism, and Motherhood

Apple Pie, Environmentalism, and MotherhoodI often kid my mother on her political views. She’s a Republican, though she’s a kind and sensitive person who believes that what we’re doing to our environment is “deplorable” (one of her favorite words).  I wrote just now:

Mom: Looks like George Pataki (ex-Governor of New York) is a candidate for U.S. president, albeit a long shot. What do you think of this guy? A Republican environmentalist! I thought unicorns were more numerous.  Love, Craig

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3 comments on “Apple Pie, Environmentalism, and Motherhood
  1. glenndoty01 says:

    Kasich is probably going to enter the race as well. Both Kasich and Pataki combined probably won’t garner 1% of the Iowa vote.

    Sadly, the republican party used to be conservative, fiscally, socially, and environmentally. There used to be broad agreement that the environment needed protecting, kids needed educating, infrastructure needed investment, etc…

    Now the democrats have to take on both the conservative and liberal roles (both parents), while the republicans have degenerated into tantrum-throwing reactionary radical anarchists on every issue save for social issues – in which case they are reactionary theocrats – and military – in which case they are imperial warmongers.

    The current republican party could never accept Pataki. He is actually rated as a 0% chance of gaining the nomination. Lindsey Graham (the effeminate warmonger) has a better shot.

    • I totally agree. It’s such an embarrassment to speak with people around the world who see this happening here. Just when I think it can’t become any more humiliating, something else happens to prove me wrong.