From Guest Blogger Jane: Seven Tips to Save Money While Saving the Environment

Seven Tips to Save Money While Saving the EnvironmentGoing green takes imagination and ingenuity, but it doesn’t always require a lot of extra money. Contrary to popular belief, many green technologies are affordable to consumers with budgets of any size. If protecting natural resources for future generations is important to you, try some of these simple tips to reduce your carbon footprint.

Diaper in Cloth

Parents who use cloth diapers can save money and the environment at the same time. Americans throw away over 16 billion diapers each year, but cloth diapers have come a long way. They often feature Velcro closures, thick layers for absorbency, waterproof shells to prevent leaking, disposable liners for reducing the mess, and even a toilet hose attachment for rinsing away waste before the wash. While a few years of common disposable diapers will easily cost over $2,500, parents can save big with an upfront purchase of $300 in reusable diapers that will last until it’s time to potty train.

Purchase Secondhand

Purchase Secondhand

Image via Flickr by oddsock

Going green often means reducing what you purchase and reusing what is already available. Use what you have and purchase additional items secondhand, giving them another lease on life. The more you purchase used items or borrow from your friends, the less you send to the garbage heaps later. Websites like Craigslist, garage sales, flea markets, antique stores, or local thrift stores can help you spend less on the pre-owned items you need. This makes it easier to afford lawn equipment, clothing, fashion accessories, appliances, home décor, automobiles, and more.

Install Low-Flow

Many low-flow fixtures will help you reduce your water usage. Standard toilets, faucets, and showerheads are all wasteful, but a simple change in fixture can make it easy to use less. For less than $10, you can buy a showerhead that has an option to turn down the flow while you shampoo, shave, or lather without disturbing the temperature. Every time you need to replace a fixture in your bathroom or kitchen, look for the water-saving option.



Image via Flickr by groundsel

The new version of recycling is taking something old and remaking it into something better all by yourself, without the need for a recycling plant. Don’t just recycle your old wine bottles. Instead, turn them into pots or garden décor. Upcycling old dressers, shelves, tables, cupboards, and wooden chairs is easy with a coat of fresh paint or two. Nearly everything can be converted into something different with a little bit of vision and elbow grease.
Stop the Subscriptions

Most newspapers and magazines now offer a virtual subscription that reduces in the waste you sent to the garbage heap each year. Opt out of mailing lists and change all the bills and subscriptions you can to arrive via email. If you absolutely love a certain periodical, visit secondhand bookstores to pick out specific editions.

Repair It

Decades ago, cobblers repaired shoes so that their owners could wear them for much longer than just one season. Today, most Americans toss out anything that breaks down, instead preferring to start over with something shiny and new rather than pursue a repair. Countless items end up in the landfill because they have a simple problem that could be fixed quite easily.

Harness the Sun

Harness the sun

Image via Flickr by Oregon DOT

Solar power offers a planet conscious solution to your energy needs that can slash your electricity bills at the same time. From backyard lights to sidewalk illumination, solar panels can harness energy during the day to provide ample power throughout the night. Solar technology has come a long way in lowering costs and improving efficiency, so if you think solar panels cost too much to install, think again. Tax incentives and lower monthly bills can easily offset the cost of powering your entire home with the sun’s energy. Most homeowners don’t realize how affordable this environmentally friendly change is or how many options they have for financing.

Bring on the reusable grocery bags, paperless bill settings, compost piles, and carpooling. Make a few simple changes and commit to saving the planet from waste and poor management. It’s time for everyone to take responsibility and become a part of the sustainable solution.

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