From Guest Blogger Izzy: Tips for Arranging a Greener Home

Tips for Arranging a Greener HomeWhen it comes to living a greener life… it all starts at home.  Literally every room in your home can be modified so that it is more energy efficient. This not only produces less Co2 emissions and is much better for the environment, but it also is cost-effective, saving you money on your energy bills each year. When it comes to making these modifications they don’t have to cost you a fortune, many of the modifications you can make will cost a very small amount and will pay for themselves in energy savings, quite quickly.

Below is a breakdown of your house room-by-room, for each room you will find tips on how to create a greener home:

The Living Room

To create a more environmentally friendly living room begin by replacing your bulbs with low energy ones, the lighting in your home makes us 16% of your electricity bill.   Try turning down your thermostat, reducing the temperature in your home by just one degree could save you up to 10% on your next heating bill. Donate, resell or recycle old appliances such as computers or televisions, to limit the impact on the environment from disposing of these items.

The Kitchen

To make your kitchen greener, consider investing money in appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers, so that you buy ones with better efficiency ratings.  The most efficient appliances are ‘A’ rated and by buying these you could save yourself up to £200 a year in energy bills. Try to reduce water wastage as much as possible by fixing any leaky taps, rinsing dishes in a bowl instead of under the tap and only putting on the washing machine and dishwasher when you have a full load to clean.

The Bathroom

To make your bathroom energy efficient try to reduce your water wastage as much as possible.  Install a flush reducing device on your toilet to reduce the amount of water is used per flush, saving up to five liters of water a day. Always remember to turn off taps and showers when you don’t need them, such as while you are brushing your teeth or when you are lathering.

The Bedroom

Start making your bedrooms more efficient by changing your light bulbs for energy efficient ones, saving yourself up to £10 per year on electricity bills.  When you by wooden furniture make sure that it is made from a sustainable source, check to make sure it has a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) logo.  Use organic sheets instead of conventional cotton, as this is treated with more chemicals than any other crop.

The Attic

Heat is lost through the attic, the amount of heat lost can account to up to 25% of your heating bill.  Reduce the amount of heat lost from your loft by making sure it is insulated with a depth of 270mm.  Remember to also insulate your loft hatch too.


Use a water butt to collect rainwater and re-use it to water your plants, for example. Start a compost heap, this is an eco-friendly way of getting rid of food and garden waste. Consider adding solar panels to your roof to generate your own electricity, alternatively invest in some small wind turbines which can generate significant amounts of electricity if you live in a windy area.

Follow these simple tips and not only make your home a greener home but also save yourself a considerable amount on your energy bills each and every year.

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