Do We Need an “Apollo-like” Mission To Replace Fossil Fuels with Renewable Energy Resources?

Do We Need an “Apollo-like” Mission To Replace Fossil Fuels with Renewable Energy Resources?Here’s an article that mirrors my main take on the migration to renewable energy: it’s going to happen very rapidly, whether we have an “Apollo-like” mission to do it or not.

Now, there are a few things that government could do to facilitate the process:

• Remove subsidies for fossil fuels

• Allow solar and wind the same advantages in terms of capital formation that are granted to oil and gas, i.e., master limited partnerships

• Support cleantech R&D in arenas that legitimately could make a difference

• Offer incentives for renewables and energy efficiency solutions

• Help re-establish our relationship with our power utilities so that everyone has an incentive to use less electricity, and that which we do need comes from renewable sources.  This includes encouraging utilities to embrace all the other peripheral items: storage, smart-grid, power transmission, electric transportation, etc.

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