Is Halliburton a "Buy?" I'm the Wrong Guy To Ask

Is Halliburton a "Buy?"  I'm the Wrong Guy To AskA friend who follows the stock market writes:

I just purchased TNK (an oil and gas transportation company).  I also see some potential upside in HAL (Halliburton); this JPM article says they do too.

 I don’t like these “evil” cos. but these are at potential buy points, market conditions notwithstanding. We’re probably due for another U.S. invasion and rebuilding of a foreign country. Don’t know when it will happen. Likely within the year in my book. Lots of fires around the globe to put out and clean up. Many were caused by U.S. interests in the first place.

I respond:  I don’t want to sound “holier than thou” but I don’t own anything that has to do with fossil fuels and absolutely nothing that profits from / encourages war.  I’m in an “extraction free” portfolio at Wells Fargo.  You may be 100% in what you say here, but they’ll have to do it without my support.



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