Pope Francis: A Real Leader

Pope Francis: A Real LeaderI thought I’d publish a conversation I just had with a reader, who commented on my piece Sour Grapes from ExxonMobil’s CEO.

Reader:  You sent me the story of a pathetic anti-leader.  Here is some hope for a Friday….from a real leader:

Thank God, finally we have found a leader among the world’s mindless, money drunk, short sighted minions who call themselves “leaders.”

Leaders stand up for what is right and they do not back down, compromise their principles or take money from Koch Industries like trolls.

Although I am an “ex-catholic” I have to give credit where it is due and Pope Francis has got game, he is the real deal and has enough horsepower to make the world listen….Go Frank !!!!!!!!!!!

Craig:  I’m a never-was Catholic, but I’m crazy about the dude.

Reader:  Ha ha.  He kind of grows on you.

But when I saw he took the name Francis is was a sign of possibility.

St Francis is the saint of animals (nature?) and the environment – I was hoping.

Another close friend of mine is a 1st century history buff (huh?? )  and said that St. Francis is the

most beloved of all the Saints and also (I had no idea) is the most beloved by people not of the Christian Faith, even including Muslims….so his appeal is not just to one but to all.

Guts to pick that name – given I am sure he was aware of all of this….Have a good weekend.

Craig:  Oh, I absolutely believe that he chose his name for that precise reason.  And yes, I agree with you 100% here; he holds enormous power to change the world for the good, and he’s not shy about using it.  A good weekend to you too.

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