Pope Hits Hard on Climate Change in Encyclical "Laudato Si’’

Pope Hits Hard on Climate Change in Encyclical ‘Laudato Si’’A reader notes:  I haven’t yet read the 178 page text of Laudato Si, but I’ve read a great deal of highlights…  This is a watershed moment.  It could change everything.  It could also spell the end of the Republican party, as they have typically split the Catholic vote 50/50 with the Democrats… and after this day that will be extremely hard for them to maintain. This is VERY exciting stuff!

Yes indeed; it’s amusing to see the shoe on the other foot.  Republicans adored the Pope a few decades ago when he made a huge social impact by opposing abortion and contraception; in fact, it helped inform their “pro-life” platform.  Here, however, Pope Francis is all over the moral imperative to stop climate change. “Never have we so hurt and mistreated our common home as we have in the last two hundred years … There are too many special interests, and economic interests that easily end up trumping the common good and manipulating information so that their own plans will not be affected.”

Holy mackerel; this one’s going to be just a teeny bit harder for Republicans to swallow.

And you’re right; the beneficial impact that this can have on our civilization broadly is hard to over estimate.  You never know what’s going to come out of this guy’s mouth next, but it’s almost uniformly good news.

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