Pope Francis: Not a Bad Advocate

Pope Francis: A Real LeaderHere’s a conversation I just had with my sister-in-law (Kim) that I thought I’d publish:

Kim: Nice to have Pope Francis as an advocate! Maybe you could interview him for your next book! Make it a great day. 🙂

Craig: Yes, the Pope is my man. I’ve written several posts in the last month or two in this regard. He has more power to improve more conditions than any other person on earth. And everything that comes out of his mouth underscores his character, his integrity, and his intense humanism.

Kim: Some would say he is the voice of God. Amen!

Craig: Exactly right. 1.2 billion people, to be more precise. And then there are another couple of billion people who, while doubting that this is the word of God, think it’s great news none-the-less.

It puts his followers who happen to be “deniers” in a funny position, btw.  I heard an interview with a lady who told a reporter as she was leaving Mass this morning, “I don’t believe in global warming.  I believe that God controls the Earth’s temperature.” Yikes.  I would say that she’s a Catholic in an extremely limited sense of the word if she so directly rejects the Pope’s position. In any case, one has to think that this lady is in the slim minority of the aforementioned 1.2 billion.

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