We All Want To Think of Ourselves as “Environmental Pragmatists"

What We Mean By In response to my post Scientists Should Actively Try To Disprove the Theory of Global Warming and Climate Change, frequent commenter MarcoPolo writes:  Extremism, whether by rightist troglodytes, or barking mad leftist ideologues, serves no useful purpose.  Only pragmatism and co-operation will ensure disruption is kept to a minimum, and real progress can be achieved.  But, that’s just my opinion……….

As it’s expressed, it’s an opinion with which no sane person can disagree.  “Extremism” is by definition a bad thing, as it denotes hysteria and irrationality.  Conversely, “pragmatism” is by definition a good thing, as it implies a calm level-headedness.

But personally, I don’t think being terrified of the consequences of modern human behavior on this planet is at all irrational.  You obviously disagree.  That’s fine; needless to say, not everyone agrees with me.  (Pictured: William James, father of the philosophy of pragmatism–one of my heroes as a young man.)





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