Expect Radical Thinking as the Effects of Climate Change Expand Over Time

Expect Radical Thinking as the Effects of Climate Change Expand Over TimeI wrote a post recently on a class action suit in The Netherlands, in which a three-judge panel ruled that government plans to cut emissions by 14-17 per cent compared to 1990 levels by 2020 were illegal, insofar as it would be insufficient to prevent global warming of more than 2°C, which will lead to a violation of fundamental human rights worldwide.

A reader comments:  Hi Craig, that’s one radical (judicial panel) in the Netherlands!

I have to say that it does appear to be radical, in the sense that it’s hard to imagine having a level of jurisdiction/purview like that.  This wouldn’t fly in the U.S., for example, because our Constitution does not grant that level of power to anyone or anything.  Having said that, I think we’ll see a great many cases that challenge our theories of jurisprudence as time goes on, the planet warms, and the environment continues to degrade.

Below is the latest work from “Tom Tomorrow” in “This Modern World.”  I’m sure you can see the relevance to the conversation above.
 photo class_modernworld1-1_13_zpsbnuonygo.jpg

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