Exactly, How Does Dead Soil Produce Unhealthy Food?

Exactly, How Does Dead Soil Produce Unhealthy Food?It’s common knowledge that drought, monoculture, overuse of chemical fertilizer and pesticides, and excessive plowing have created “dead soil” in which growing nutritious food crops is becoming increasing difficult.  But exactly how?  One of the key issues is the death of microbes: fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, algae and protozoa that live in the soil and the plants roots and protect it from heat, cold, insects, drought, flooding, heavy metal toxicity, nutrient limitation, osmotic stress, and pathogens.  Here’s an article from Science Magazine that explains all this.

It’s all a fabulous reason to be interested in aeroponics and bioaeroponics, subjects that I include on my list of cleantech investment opportunities.



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